Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Great Group!

These are some of my student leaders...the Student Ambassadors of Spartanburg Methodist College. A great group of young people who have done a tremendous job this year representing the school. I am so proud of them and so thankful that I had the opportunity to work with them. They are some of the smartest, hardest working people I know! Our world is going to be okay with people like this taking the lead!

Monday, April 27, 2009

God is Faithful

I am so glad I journal. Last night, I was looking back through a journal entry from nearly 9 months ago. I expressed some fears about a situation in my life, and I wrote, "God is big enough to handle the fall-out of this situation if things go bad." And now, on the other side of that situation, I can see how God truly was faithful in that circumstance. He did handle the fall-out, much more beautifully than I could have ever imagined. GOD IS FAITHFUL!

I have been memorizing Psalm 145 for my class, and this weekend came to the last 7 verses, one if which states, "The eyes of all look to you. You give them their food in due season." The first time I read it I praised God for provision. He promises to provide for us at the time when we need it. But the second time I read it, I saw something even more precious. It doesn't say "I'll give them food in due season." It says, "I will give them their food in due season." It's not just talking general provision at the appointed's personalized provision at the appointed time! Sometimes that food tastes sweet and satisfying and is just what we've been craving...for example, Jason's Deli ice cream! Sometimes, though, the food God provides for us is what we need the most, not necessarily what we want. Just like mothers spend countless hours trying to get their children to eat vegetables because their good for them, God sometimes gives us our food in due season, food that we desperately need.

I will say it God is faithful!

My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord, and let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever! Psalm 145:21

Monday, April 20, 2009

The B-I-B-L-E

The B-I-B-L-E

Yes, that's the book for me!

I stand alone on the Word of God
The B-I-B-L-E

Sunday, April 19, 2009

He Makes All Things Beautiful

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

I sang the song growing up. “In His Time, In His Time, He makes all things beautiful in His time.” I’ve even quoted this to others who were experiencing troubling times. I’ve used it as my own mantra from time to time in the midst of storms or situations I don’t understand. But I don’t think I live my life as if I believe it. My true interpretation of this verse, at least in my own attitude, is probably a little more like this. “He is in control and works everything out in His time. It may not be how I’ve imagined it or how I want it, but God will work it out.”

What a mockery to my God who promises to make all things beautiful. It’s not just working it out. It’s working it out in such a way that God will receive the highest glory, that human hearts and lives will be changed, that perfection for that situation is received in terms of God’s plans for eternity! Think about things that are beautiful: a new baby, a mountain top view, the sunset, the sunrise, flowers, a painting, and so many more. I think sometimes how I am captivated by beauty. That’s what God is doing in His time. He is creating beauty! He is creating beauty to captivate my heart so that it turns to Him. He is creating beauty that will bring Him glory!

I am in awe today as I think of the beauty God made of the cross. Only because of Jesus’ sacrifice can we look at something that ordinarily represents death and sadness and call it a glorious cross! God made it beautiful in His time. He is doing the same with my circumstances. He is not just working them out…he’s making a masterpiece of beauty to amaze and captivate my heart!

Monday, April 13, 2009

I learned this song as a child and it's lyrics are really special to me today. I'm really trying to learn what is beautiful to God.

Beautiful, Beautiful,
Jesus is beautiful
And Jesus makes beautiful things of my life
Carefully touching me, causing my eyes to see
Jesus makes beautiful things of my life.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Jesus: Troubling Man or Blessed Savior?

I am blessed to be a part of a wonderful Passion Play this week. Our choir at church has been presenting a musical drama, "Set Free," for the past two nights. We've got one more night to go, and I am not tired of it yet! I usually am tired of it. A full week of rehearsals and performances is tiresome, but its not so tiring when you have the opportunity to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit each night.

This year the Passion Play means so much more to me because it seems to mirror a situation in my real life. There is a line that sticks out to me every time I hear it. The main character, a Roman soldier named Marcus, asks his second in command, "Why is it that everytime I'm around this Jesus He's so troubling to me?"

This reminds me of the verse in 2 Corinthians 2:15-16. "For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life." In the beginning of the story, the character of Marcus sees Jesus as a stench, a smell, trouble. But as the story progresses, he begins to see Jesus for who He really is, the Son of God, and experiences the sweet fragrance of God's love, grace, and forgiveness.

For those who follow Christ, we must always remember that we are the aroma of Christ among those around us. People in this world look at Jesus and see him as troubling. They experience conviction and don't want to be bothered. They want heaven but they don't want to give their lives over to the lordship of Christ. In their eyes, Christ followers are either a smell or a fragrance, but to God we are always an aroma! That passage of scripture goes on to say, "And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God." How true! This is a tall order, but an order that can be filled if we live, speak, and love with sincerity. When people see this real and sincere love, then we can help them move from seeing a troubling man to seeing a blessed Savior.

On this Good Friday, I am overwhelmed that my Jesus chose me! He chose me, and I wholeheartedly choose Him! May I live my life in such a way that I am an aroma to God and a sweet fragrance of life to those around me.

Monday, April 06, 2009


I have a great reason to rejoice tonight. My God showed up in a mighty way today. It started this morning as I was getting dressed. I did as I do often, talked and communed with God as I prepared for the day. During my prayer time, I began to think of a potentially painful revelation in my life. I'm pretty sure I said aloud, "God, when that happens, you're going to have to just pour out your grace on me because there is no way I'll be able to handle that on my own." I then began to mock myself, convinced that I was borrowing trouble. I repeated the prayer anyway, just for good measure. Little did I know that just three hours later, that painful revelation would come. I don't believe this was a coincidence. I believe this was the Holy Spirit's way of preparing my heart for the news. I immediately sensed the sweetness of the Spirit's moving in my heart. It didn't take away the pain. It didn't even numb it, but remembering my prayer, I was able to see on the other side of it. I didn't do this alone. I am thankful for Kimberly who so lovingly softened the blow of my first reaction. I am thankful for Kerie who refused to allow me to slip into the unhealthy attitude of self-pity and self-deprecation. I am thankful for Julie who prayed the sweetest prayer over me (over the phone) that allowed me to release my tears and experience the grace that God so willingly lavished upon me. I am thankful for Angie Smith, a woman whom I've never met but who's blog I read faithfully. She posted a song on the blog today that lovingly reminded me that when shattered things (dreams, hopes, lives) are laid before the throne of the Almighty, they will not be left unredeemed.

But most of all, I rejoice that I have a Savior who loves me enough to orchestrate all of these moments at just the perfect time. I found myself surprised at His love today. But then I realized, if He loves me enough to send his sinless Son to die on a cross for my sin, and I have no trouble accepting that, then why do I have so much trouble believing that His love for me also reaches to my everyday hurts and pains? If God loved me enough to allow Jesus to pay the debt of death of my behalf, surely he loves me enough to know my hurts and my pains and to prepare me to deal with them. How amazing is the grace that He offers each and every day, to make it through the struggles of life. So today, my prayer is Paul's command in Philippians 4:4. "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"

To the outside world, today wouldn't leave me much for which to rejoice. But because I serve and worship a loving God, I can rejoice! I must rejoice! Rejoice! Again, I will say, Rejoice!!!

Friday, April 03, 2009

Praying with Consistency

"Prayer, more than any other spiritual discipline, reveals what‘s really in your heart and how much pride that you operate in. Prayer, more than any other spiritual discipline, reveals what you believe about you, what you believe about God, and just how much pride you have in the tank of your soul. "
--Matt Chandler

"I stink at prayer because I’m so dag gum good at pride." --Pete Wilson

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Honor Your Father and Your Mother

In Ephesians, Paul echoes one of the Ten Commandments when he tells us to honor our father and mother. I don't want the evening to end until I do just that.

I returned this evening from a 3 day trip to my parent's house. It sounds so strange to say it that way because I usually call this home. While it's not my current home, it will always be home to me. I don't know if I will ever get to a place where I will not call it "going home." So, let's just say, "I went home" this week! Usually, I only have a chance to get there two or three times a year due to the distance and my overly busy schedule. I carry around more guilt about this than I care to admit, but I never seem to find a way to do anything about it. The purpose of this trip home was to visit my dad, who just had knee surgery, and help my mom take care of my dad.

I could feel on the drive down that this visit was going to be different. I'm not exactly sure why, but I could sense it. I could sense that there was significance with this visit. The entire way down, I was reminded of things from my childhood. Things I loved. I was so very excited that the azaleas were still blooming. And the wisteria! And remembering moments from the past. My anticipation grew with every mile. I didn't realize, until I got on the road, how much I needed this trip home. I needed to be reminded that there are at least two people on this earth who will love me unconditionally, no matter what, and that those same two people count on me. I feel like I've come to a point in my life that I can actually go home and do things for my parents, instead of having them do for me. Oh, I still let my mom do things for me while I was there, but for the first time, I felt like they needed the adult me. And this excites me. And it makes me appreciate them even more!

My dad finally decided to have his knee replaced. After years of walking, or hobbling, in much pain, he finally took the plunge. I know he was in a lot of pain, but he and I spent Wednesday afternoon just talking, and it's a conversation I will remember for the rest of my life. Mom was gone to the store so it was just dad and I. He asked me about work. He asked me about seminary. He listened to me share my vision, my thoughts, my dreams, my fears. I think it is one of the first truly adult conversations I've had with my dad. I know that sounds weird, and it's certainly not my dad's fault. I just don't think I ever go to my dad as an equal. I go to him as a little girl. But not this time. Like I said, this conversation was different. My dad encouraged me in a way that was so special. He told me to use my passions, to use my skills and abilities, to use my love for others in a big way. He reminded me to always be looking for the door that God is opening and not to sell myself short. He also told me to not be afraid to move in a different direction. Then, the conversation turned a little more personal. Leave it to my dad to put me in my place in a way that shocked me, made me think long and hard, and admit my own shortcomings, all in one moment. He showed me that I had been doing the same thing I had accused someone else of doing. At first, I couldn't believe he said it. I think I must have had that look on my face that said, "Oh no, he didn't," because he immediately followed it up with a "I don't mean to be critical" comment. But he was so right. I had been doing exactly what I had accused someone else of doing. I think I knew this, but my dad put into words what I could not. And it was done in such a loving, caring, yet straightforward manner. Thanks Dad, for setting me in my place! Thanks, God, for using my dad in this way and for giving me an earthly father who is encouraging, challenging, and supportive.

This trip home, my mom actually let me do stuff for her. I think she's exhausted from being strong through my dad's surgery, from feeling like she can't relax and rest because my dad might need her, from making sure everything with the house is taken care of, from helping my dad with his therapy and just everyday needs until he can get around on his own again. I know how my dad is when he doesn't feel good, so that is not an easy task! But my mom does it all with grace and without complaint. She truly is superwoman! And while she let me do some things for her, she also did for me. She made me apple fritters for breakfast this morning! She made sure that we had my favorite foods and felt bad that she forgot to make my favorite jello. She gave me her pillow. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but there are only two pillows in the world that are perfect. I have one at my house, and she has an identical one at her house. I think we would both run back into the house if it were on fire, just to rescue these pillows! She knows how much I like the pillow and gave it up for me to sleep on while I was that I would feel more at home! She listened to me. And she did all of this in the midst of her crazy life. My mom volunteers for an afterschool program their church sponsors. Since my dad is on the mend, she hasn't been able to help out. However, they decided to cancel the program today due to the threat of severe weather. My mom spent the entire morning making phone calls to the other volunteers, to the parents, to the schools, trying to make sure everyone was informed. She went above and beyond the call of duty. And they wonder where I got this from...
My mother is amazing, and I don't tell her that enough! Thank you God, for creating this woman who is so caring and loving and giving and placing me under her lifelong care. I wish I could be more like her.

And this doesn't include all of the normal things my parents do. Like fill my car up with gas before I leave, hide money in my purse, beg me to stay another day, take pictures everytime I leave to go home (although I believe the rain is the reason for the reprieve from this task this afternoon - thank you rain!). Because the weather was bad, they insisted that I call every hour. I think before I would have been annoyed by this request, but not this time. I know it's out of love that they are so concerned. I know that they miss me. I miss them. More than I realize, and more than I admit. I think I busy myself so I don't have to think about it too often. Oh we talk fairly regularly on the phone, but it's not the same as going home. I am so thankful for the home they've created for me to go.

I realize that not everyone is as blessed as I am to have such wonderful parents. But if you are, or even if you're not, take a moment, right now, to let your parent(s) know how much you love and appreciate them for whatever reason it may be. It might be something small. It might be something big. But tell them you love them! Thank them for being there, and be there for them!