Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thankful Tuesday: My Parents

A local radio station has a segment on Tuesday afternoons called Tirade Tuesday. Basically, listeners call in and complain about the topic of their choice...from horrible bosses to horrible drivers and everything in between. It really is quite funny listening to people rant about some of the most random things.

I decided to create my own Tuesday segment in the blogosphere but with a different focus. Instead of Tirade Tuesday, here at Boo Boo's Blabberings, we're going to have Thankful Tuesdays. After reading Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts, I am making a conscious effort in my life to live consistently with an attitude of eucharisteo. So each Tuesday I will pick a topic and list as many things (as time allows) that I am thankful for concerning that topic. The first Thankful Tuesday topic: my parents. Here we go!

1. Their unconditional love for me
2. Their love for and devotion to God
3. For teaching me that taking the easy way out just to avoid struggle is not always a good option
4. For standing strong in their convictions, even when the world thinks they are crazy and those convictions create a financial burden...and for being an example of this for me
5. For providing a loving and safe home environment, even now when I'm 30+ in years
6. For encouraging me to dare to dream my dreams
7. For encouraging me and supporting me in making my dreams come true
8. For making me take piano lessons as a child (if only I had listened and never stopped)
9. For sacrificing year after year so that my sister and I could attend summer camp at Camp Crestridge, a place where our love for God was watered and nurtured.
10. For still expecting me to call them when I get home from being out of town
11. For coming to visit from many miles away
12. For recognizing my needs (and often my wants) and meeting them, even when I'm less than appreciative
13. For teaching me the value of a dollar
14. For teaching me the value of family time
15. For teaching me the value of spiritual growth and devotion
16. For teaching me the value of recognizing and declaring God's beauty around me
17. For teaching me the value of hard work
18. For believing in me
19. For teaching me the value of education
20. For listening

And so many more things...this list could go on and on.

Now it's your turn. For this segment of Thankful Tuesday, why are you thankful for your parents?

God bless!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

LOVE THIS! I hope Ian, Will, and Maggie are as thankful for me one day. I always pray I am being all that they need me to be. Of, course, I have wonderful parents as an example. And I am thankful for their example of unconditional love and support...that they still so willingly give...without it, I fear I wouldn't be the mommy that I am.