Monday, August 01, 2011

Kentucky Mission Trip - Day 1

We made it...and there were no flat tires. Thankfully the trip up was uneventful. Props go to Alton Gilbert for navigating the Penske truck over the 90 degree turns of Black Mountain. We arrived a little before 8 pm and settled into Solomon's Porch, our home and base camp for the next week.

We were able to spend some time with missionaries, George and Robin Lewis and Rick Hunter. They helped us focus our game plan for Monday. we've got a group going out to do some construction work, a group going to do children's ministry at local apartment complexes, and a group going to do laundromat ministry.

After devotion and prayer, several of us gathered on the porch for an impromptu time of singing and worship, led by our awesome youth. We were reminded in our devotion that we are all part of the body of Christ, chosen and set apart to do His will. Our prayer was that we all put on love this week and let the love of Christ be the light that the people of Lynch and Cumberland, KY see.

Tonight, on the way up the mountain we stopped at the very top, the highest point in Kentucky. A line from a praise and worship song kept running through my head up at that highest point

Let your name be lifted higher, be lifted higher, be lifted higher

That is my prayer for the week, that the name of Jesus be lifted higher...higher than that highest mountain peek, higher than we've ever known, higher so that the lost will be drawn to Him.

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