Wednesday, March 18, 2009

By Faith...Not Sight

I think the times when we don't understand what God is doing or where he is leading us bring us so much closer to Him than any other times. Even more than grief! God's really been teaching me what it truly means to walk by faith and not by sight lately. I thought I understood it, but I didn't really. And it's not like I'm going through some horrible experience. It's just every day life stuff. I tend to want to depend on my feelings, my senses, I want signs, I want clues but lately God has just been showing me that seeking those things aren't bad but it's not going to get us the best that he has for us. Because those are things that yes, God can use, but also, the devil can use those same things to lead us astray. God's word is the only thing we can fully rely on as truth. Pour yourself into the Bible. Memorize scripture. Meditate on certain passages for days! Keep going back to it. Keep seeking Him for Him and for His glory!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

keep seeking him - have to remind myself all the time