Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Cross in the Spider's Web

He will guard the feet of his faithful ones, but the wicked shall be cut off in darkness, for not by might shall a man prevail. 1 Samuel 2:9

Several weeks ago on my vacation, I was out walking one evening, enjoying God's beauty in the mountains when I was suddenly stopped in my tracks. I realized there was a huge spider web in front of me. I only saw the spider web because of some pinestraw that was hanging in it. I was even more surprised when I realized the pine straw was naturally hanging in the shape of a cross. The web itself was beautiful, but the straw in the shape of the cross inside of the spider web made me want to take a picture. When I did, this is what happened. I promise, no editing was done to this photo. The cross was not drawn in. I guess the flash of the camera, mixed with the lighting of early evening, naturally created this effect. I even took a second picture just to make sure, and it turned out the same. I was struck by the lesson this image provides. The cross prevented me from walking into the web. The cross guided my path away from "danger." My Jesus, who gave His life on a cross for the atonement of my sins, does the same thing, if only I will listen to his voice. As promised in the verse above, He will guard my feet as I follow His path. Another thing that struck me as odd is that I was intending to take a picture of the cross inside the spider web, but the spider web didn't even show up in the picture. The pinestraw making the cross is so illuminated, and the spider web, while it seemed big and overpowering at the time, can't even be seen. Another image to serve as a reminder of how powerful our Savior is! Jesus, the Light of the World, overpowering all darkness. Wow!

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