Wednesday, June 03, 2009


So, we all ask why from time to time. I just thought I'd make a list of the "whys" currently running through my brain.

1. Why did the DOT spend over 2 years widening less than 1/2 mile of a stretch of the road that leads to my house, only for the water works people to come in just after completion and tear two big holes in the new road, redirecting traffic again, for months!

2. Why does my computer forget that it has a CD-R/DVD-R drive from time to time? Seriously, why? And it's always at the least opportune time, too!

3. Why did the creator's of Sony Vegas not make a pan/zoom feature that is easy and usable?

4. Why am I so good about hanging up my clothes at the beginning of the week, but by Wednesday, the chair in my bedroom is covered again?

5. Why do I continue to eat corn? I know it messes up my digestive system, but I keep on eating it. (probably more info. than anyone wanted to know!)

6. Why does every entertainment news source keep putting Spencer and Heidi in front of my face? And why do I perpetuate the madness by reading and watching it? It's like watching a car wreck. I don't want to see it, but I can't look away.

7. Why are Jon and Kate continuing this madness? I wish, for the sake of their family, and the rest of us, they would bow out gracefully, buy out their contract with TLC, and handle all of the family drama in private. This is not meant to be a judgment. I really feel bad for them, and regardless of who did what, I truly believe God can provide restoration to their marriage and family. I just wish they would do it in private, especially for the children!

8. Why am I so enthralled by reality/unscripted TV?

9. Why does my cat decide to lay down on any kind of reading material I place on the table?

10. Why am I writing this blog instead of doing my 30 Day Shred workout?

11. Why would a mother leave her two toddler-aged children unattended and unsecured in a running car while she goes inside the drug store? The little boy, no older than two, was sitting in the driver's seat, pretending that he was driving the car. Keys in the ignition, car running. Could have been disaster. And the mother was inside on her phone oblivious to the danger! Really?

12. And finally, why did Sonic have to be so crowded tonight that I didn't get my free root beer float? Oh well, Bruster's was better anyway! I had Fudge Ripple. I haven't had that since I was a child! Great memories!!!

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