This morning, during my time with God, I realized that I don't reflect on the power of God enough. I too often fail to recognize the power of God. I too often fail to share with others how the power of God is at work in my life, in this world. I don't meditate on the splendor of God's majesty or on His works. Yet it is all around me. So this morning, I chose to do just that. I chose to meditate on God's power and to declare His power to others.
- God's power can be seen in the miracle of human life, how the body can heal itself, how all of the organs work together to give life, how the body protects itself from disease, how the human mind has the capacity to think and create and make decisions.
- God's power can be seen in the beauty of His creation. Blooming flowers, mountains, the beach, the birds, even the bugs!
- God's power can be experienced through the sacrifice of Jesus for the atonement of our sins. While God cannot stand sin, he created a way for us to stand before Him. While we are found unholy and found unclean, through Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection we can be found redeemed.
- God's power can be known through His universal presence in our lives. The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 139 that we can never go anywhere away from the presence of God. A.W. Tozer puts it this way, "We never need shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our most secret thoughts."
- God's power can be seen in the storms. He has control of the wind, the waves, the lightening, the thunder, the rain. He can destroy and He can protect.
- God's power can be known through the storms in our lives. Many times He uses those storms to position us to where we need to be to be used by Him!
- God's power can be seen through His blessings.
- God's power can be seen through His providence. We are not independent creatures moving along haphazardly or coincidentally. God is in control of all things and guides us through life according to His plan, even if we don't recognize it!
- God's power can be seen through the innocence of a child.
- God's power can be experienced when we allow Him to help us overcome our fears.
- God's power can be known in our surrender.
As I was thinking of the power of God, an old hymn came to mind, I Sing The Almighty Power of God, by Isaac Watts. I went and got a hymnal to read through the words, and one line stuck out.
"While all the borrows life from thee is ever in thy care,
And everywhere that man can be, Thou, God, art present there."
Borrowing life. Wow! Imagine how different this world would be if Christians lived their lives with the attitude that all life is borrowed, that our time is on loan from God. I know that I would treat it more carefully, that I would appreciate it more, that I would take care of it in a different way. Think about the last time you borrowed something from someone, something they treasured. You treated it as if it were porcelain glass. You wanted to return it in better condition than when you borrowed it! Oh, that I would live my life that way!
When I was a very young child, my dad worked for the Georgia Baptist Children's Home. We lived in a house that belonged to the organization. The carpet in the dining room was white. Because this was a "borrowed" home, my mom went to great lengths to take care of this carpet, so far as to put a sheet under my chair when we ate. She didn't want me to drop something on the carpet that would leave a stain. I was only 2 or 3 years old, but I remember this experience to this day. I didn't want to eat with a sheet under my chair! I thought I was a big girl. It was embarrassing!!! But my mother was doing whatever she had to do to protect what someone had so generously put into her care.
We are living on borrowed time. We should make the most of it. We should take great care of the life we've been given, but not for our own glory, but so that our God might be pleased, so that the One who so generously gives us life will alone receive the glory, so that the One who is all powerful may be proclaimed throughout the earth! In the verses above, note the command we've all been given to commend the acts of God to the generations that come behind us. What a tall order, and one that I fail at so often, and most often because I fail to recognize the power of my God, and because I live my life as if it's my own. I don't want to do this anymore!
God, open my eyes to see your power, to see your goodness, to see your majesty. And give me the grace to give you the glory for your might! And through your power, may my hope in You alone be ever made strong. You so generously allow me to borrow life. I want to live it for your glory!
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